Back pain below ribs: what to do?

The bones of the involved nerve fibers, blood vessels and many organs space between the ribs. When people will experience back pain under ribs – it is an opportunity to think about their own health.

These sensations can be a symptom of certain diseases. Causes of pain can be understood only by an expert.

Disease, provoking pain to the ribs

Painful symptoms of diseases of the internal organs or ribs of the body, the tissues around it:

  1. Contusions of the chest, blows, fractures cause dull pain in deep breathing, to strengthen it.
  2. Pathology of the spine osteochondrosis, inter-vertebral hernia is manifested by pain in back, ribs.
  3. Intercostal neuralgia causes pain, aggravated by breathing, movement.
  4. Inflammation of the lung, pleura cause discomfort in different regions of the chest.
  5. Tumor.
The ribs

Modern diagnostic, x-ray, ultrasound examination allows accurate diagnosis, to appoint treatment.

Sometimes a sharp turn, changing body positions, lifting large goods can cause pain in the spine, ribs. It is a sign of sciatica, especially if radiating to the buttocks, legs.

Bruises, broken

When damage occurs, characterized by pain:

  • Injury first causes a sharp pain, then it is sore. In the place of injury becomes a bruise, which is painful to the touch.
  • Fracture of the rib bones accompanied by severe pain in ribs and back, can feel the whole chest.

Fractures are characterized by three varieties:

  • Crack, when there is only a fracture of the bone.
  • The turning point, when the periosteum remains intact.
  • Completely broken rib bone is dangerous, because the fragments can damage the internal organs, the lungs.

Signs of fracture are pain on deep breathing, talking, even to change the body, not to mention the physical exertion. Can disrupt the heart rhythm, then the human skin turns blue.

Severe pain in back, ribs, hemoptysis accompanied by damage to the lungs of bone fragments.

Intercostal neuralgia

Each bone of the muscles and the nerves emerging from the spinal cord. When the nerve is irritated, no piercing, burning pain. Sometimes he worried about the left or right breast, most of the back pain on both sides.

You can find two points, which causes a sharp pain when you press them close to the sternum and the spine next to it. The cause is a pinched nerve or pulled muscle.

Packaging can be the result of trauma when the space between the ribs deformed. Unpleasant sensations in the muscles, while bending, moving the shoulder.

The spine

Most commonly the disease is degenerative disc disease, which are caused by an inflammatory process of the spine degenerative changes. Detected pain in back under ribs back.

It can intensify during the affected nerve. In the chronic form there is aching pain in the acute stage of the disease is cross. The patient is difficult to move, bend, turn, must be in the same position.

Autonomic neurological disorders of the vascular system causes unexpected pain, people will think that happens all the back and rib bones.


Symptoms are: pressure waves, respiratory failure, palpitations, angina pectoris, irritable bowel, insomnia.

Disc herniation of the thoracic spine to cause discomfort in the ribs, at first not very strong.

Over time, it has been supplemented so that it becomes unbearable, when sore the back of the ribs on both sides. Pain can occur in the neck, the limbs.

Osteoporosis is a disease caused due to the low concentration of calcium in the bones. Most often this occurs during aging of the organism, when disturbed metabolism, is poorly absorbed vitamin D, calcium from food in the intestine.

The process of destruction of the bone increases, recovery ability decreases. Occur tenderness of the back under the ribs occurs due to multiple microscopic fractures.

The results show the sharp edges of the bone to irritate the periosteum, is rich in nerve endings.

Lung disease

The pleura covers the lungs from the outside, closely stick to the frame edges. It passes through the nerve endings in large quantities, which annoyed a variety of diseases.

Pneumonia is characterized by right side pain, worse when coughing and breathing. Dry pleurisy causes such feelings, when sore the back of the ribs on both sides.

Malignant tumors

Tumors can be malignant – osteosarcoma. This disease was born, the aching pain can be stabbing, pulling character. Sometimes the pain occurs only at night, somewhere in the position of the body.

Often the tumor for a long time does not manifest itself, and starts to hurt the ribs back, when the impact of injuries.

The patient can suspect that there is a tumor, and the pain lasts about a strike, even if their source you will see the swelling, a feeling of a lump. The disease is diagnosed with biopsy.


The information is intended only for General information purposes and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or care for. This article does not replace medical advice from a doctor (neurologist, internist). Take the first doctor know exactly the cause of health problems.